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Vehicle Tracker

A high-quality chauffeur company had a requirement to track its drivers out in the field. They already had an existing solution in place but it was not flexible enough for their needs. They wanted to add additional features that would allow them to integrate existing data from their in-house booking system, but also add completely new features. We created a custom solution that allowed them to achieve their requirements.


Their mobile application was expanded to capture the driver’s location while they were “on shift”, without the need to fit expensive hardware into their vehicles. Once location data was captured we started to plot the locations of the drivers on a map for the control co-ordinators to keep track of every driver’s position in real time.


In addition to this, we integrated data from their existing booking system into the new tracker. This allowed the internal users to see all the data they needed in one application. 


With the location data being captured, we then created an ETA system for use in the tracker. This utilised the location data from the driver, combined with booking details from their booking system as well as distance and traffic modelling from Google. The end result was real-time tracking of all drivers’ ETAs for pickups and drop-offs.

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